About Me

I am a recently graduated Purdue University student currently living and working in Dallas, Texas. At Purdue, I achieved a BS in User Experience Design, a minor in psychology, and a certificate in collaborative leadership.

Containing a background in visual design, my passion lies in crafting fluid experiences through beautiful interface design. My process is driven by efficiency, constant iteration, and user satisfaction. Let’s design the future of technology and make the world a better place!

My Story

Why UX?
I have always loved technology. When I was young, I would always try to make my accessible technology more enjoyable. Whether it was connecting a phone to emerging mobile projectors to watch a movie on the "big screen", or enhance the speed of my laptop, the drive for improvement never went away.

Fast forward to 2016 when I was starting to think about college majors, I was choosing between more technical fields such as computer science and very creative roles such as graphic design. I found UX design at Purdue and immediately knew this was the beautiful middle ground that I had been searching for. Four years later, my love for design has been expressed in academic and a variety of professional settings.

My professional skills


I am known for strategizing with a forward-thinking mindset. Asking questions such as "what will this look like in ten years?" or "is this really the best it can be?" helps to stay iterative over time.


Staying up to date with good design trends (and bad ones) is important to keep users engaged. Being able to innovate while staying cognizant of mental models requires a delicate balance.


It's easy to tell if an experience was designed by people who care. Crafting and utilizing a team's soft skills throughout the creation process is something that I try to leverage no matter the project's size.

Goal Oriented

Staying focused on the larger goal throughout the design process is imperative. Deviating and staying nimble is natural as the process advances, but not losing sight of what users need must be at the forefront.

My experience


Graduated from Purdue in may!


UX Design Intern - GE Aviation, Commercial Engine Operations


UX Design Intern Hire- KeHE Distributors LLC

2018 - 2022

BS - User Experience Design - Purdue University